MPPSC 2016 Answer Key Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission Has Released the Answer Key of Exam…
Switching and linear regulator use fundamentally different techniques to produce a regulated output voltage from an unregulated input.Each technique have…
Gas disharge plasma displays are the most well known type of alphanumeric displays.Their operation is based on the emission of…
Optical fibres can be used for measurement of temperature.This is because the temperature induces changes in refractive index of the fibre.In fibre…
A firewall is a system that enforces an access control policey between two networks-such as your private LAN & the unsafe,public…
Bharat Coking Coal Limited is a subsidiary of Coal India Limited,Government of India Enterprise,mainly situated in the state of Jharkhand…
In practice two types of impulse voltages can occur (i) full wave and (ii) chopped impulse wave.If the lightning surge…
The zero-power factor characteristic (ZPFC) of an alternator is a curve of the armature terminal voltage per phase plotted against…
In an a.c. machine,any flux set up by the load current which does not contribute to the useful flux of…
The greater threat to computer is a computer virus,a program that causes a computer system to behave in unexpected and…