Mr Sushilkumar Shinde,Union Minister of power met Mr Martin Ferguson,Australian Minister for energy,resources and tourism in Canberra.During the course of meeting they discussed about the strategic long time co-operation in energy sector.
Mr shinde highlighted India’s commitment towards climate change issues in term of National Solar Mission under which 20,000 MW of capacity through solar energy is to be added by 2020 and other initiatives of the Government of India.Besides,various other scheme and reforms in the energy sector also came up for discussion.
The agenda of co-operation between India and Australia in the field of technical training got a further push as Mr Ferguson said that his country is already collaborating with Indonesia for training people.He said that a similar programme can be worked out train the indian manpower in the mining sector.
The Indian delegation led by Mr shinde also visited Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute,GCCSI,in Canberra and held a detailed discussion with Mr Dale Seymour,senior VP of startegy.
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